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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 14, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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web. we are back on tv tomorrow at noon eastern "happening now" starts now. a new poll shows that trump is widening the lead. and that betweens cruz is 27 point ps behind trump. but? the iowa poll. we'll show you all of the news "happening now". >> cheep gas has more money in our pockets but impact the energy companies. what you need to know about the price drop. >> and explosions heard inside of a blachltz -- blaze. >> when you collapse inward. you perform worse.
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>> could your mobile phone be hurting your neck and reputation. it is all "happening now". and president obama speaking moments ago in the pentagon after meeting with the national security team. the president said we are hitting the terror group harder than ever. i am jenna lee. >> and i am eric shaun in for jon scott. the president said they are taking on the the terrorist leaders. >> our next message to the leaders you are next. every day we destroy more of isil's forces. fighting positions and bunkers and staging and heavy weapons and bomb making factories and training catches. in many places isil lost their freedom of maneuver.
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>> the president's high profile visit to the pentagon came after critics say it was not enough to calm the fores of a jittery nation in the wake of the paris and san bernardino attacks. this comes about the questions of effectiveness with the administration's campaign against isis. >> we have general jack keene standing by. and begin with brett bar. bred, start with the timing. we mentioned the oval office address. politics in may and the reason the president is choosing to speak in the pentagon? what to you make? >> going over to the pentagon was a visual thing to show
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people that he is interacting with the top general and military staff about the fight against isis. i heard in the sunday prime time address democratic leaders said it was a mulligan for the first talks about the paris attacks back in turkey. that was see pan ped by law makers and sides of the aisle, this was a mullig an to the mullig an a. there was a lot of staff and figures and what the u.s. military is doing but it was not a change of strategy over all and a lot of people wonder if it is comforting at all to people who are jittery about a possible terrorist attack. >> i will let the pundits battle that out one of the things that
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the president said secretary carter will go to the middle east and bring in together more military contributions and he talked about about the coalition. and secretary kerry is in russia what leverage do we have to bring them in to the fold against isis. how do you see it? >> that is a good question. getting arab allies to continue to fight isis is a top priority. jordan has continued to fly the missions and france stepped up its air strikes since the attacks on paris. and they provide targets. and sometimes they don't have targets. and the other issue is getting the equipment to the kurd on the
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front lines. there is a bag log dpeth heavy equipment and to the kurd. >> you talk about the administration and intelligence and defense community over all. a question was raised over the last several weeks about our intelligence and whether it was portrayed or political motivated and based on your sources, brett. does it seem that everyone in washington d.c. is on the same page when it comes to isis? have we reached a new platform or is there lingering concerns on how that is impacting our fight. >> there is still concern and the whip has been cracked. the investigation in the rose- colored assessment of isis and what the u.s. is doing.
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is large and expanding. and expect that to continue and to broaden this administration over the past months and years how they looked at the terrorist threat. that is the past and we are in the present and post parand is san bernardino, there is a sense that the intelligence is clear. >> there is criticism that the president is not putting his heart in it. we have conversation about that. and about his message to the country not having the same heart. and speaking to people in the administration and otherwise, how do you explain that? that is the criticism. there is something that is not necessarily tangible and missing and it a pores -- appears that it is criticism.
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>> he gets fired up on issues of politics and issues of refugees being denied access in the u.s. and does he get fired up in the fight against isis and islamic radical terrorist threat. and the president always had the delivery on the big issue and tried to step it back and keep it calm. seven out of ten people fear another san bernardino. we'll see that contrast with the republican debate coming up for president. it will be interesting to watch the sound. brett, always great to see you and look forward to seeing on special report. >> jenna 9000 air strikes and what did the pentagon really a
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chief? we'll go to general jack keene and general, are you encouraged with what you heard from the president and what ho seems to said and it seems to be no significant or major change in strategy. >> two speeches after san bernardino. and a couple of things he clearly hasn't done. lay out and when are we going to defeat isis. ho told us initially it was a multiyear strategy. and now that isis has reached the united states it has not changed. when are we going to raqqan and take away their ability to kill
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europeans and americans. that is number one. listen, the american people, i think they deserve a different tone from the president. we know that the director of the fbi comey is swammed trying to keep up with the leads he has. you need a good offense. not just a good defense. we have proved that we have that post 9/11. but our offense is not even close. we need to get the president's confidence behind the president's plan that he has a sense of urgency and resolve to bring it to a conclusion quickingly as possible and reduce the threat at home. >> he doesn't have a sense of urgency. they are sending 100 advisory to
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iraq and 50 to syria and ash carter opening the possibility of troops going to ra qqa. will that happen and help? >> trying to find coalition partners on the ground is part of the challenge that we have. and look, there are good things happening. the intensity of the air campaigns have improved. we are taking down theiril infrastructure and putting operation guides in there and that is good and those people making those decisions. but it is not enough. when it comes to siria, none of the sun ni's arabs are going to iraq to prop up a shiite government. the issue is syria assad first. and then we'll play our hand here. the turks told us that as well.
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that is a discussion we have had. we need to deal with the problem in syria. >> look at the the arab armies. they have more than a million men that could descend an army and without that assad issue that ain't going to happen and you will not have the overwhelming ground power to take out isis. >> he doesn't want to do it. of establishing safe zone and that it would put pressure on the assad regime and shut down their air power and love the pressure on the refugees and give moderates breathing rom. i am not suggesting it is not easy. a lot of thoughtful people concluded it is a step in the right decision're direction but he doesn't do tment you will
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have trouble until you solve the problem with assad. >> the new prime minister out of canada is pulling out of the coalition. >> we'll always be the count reap dealing with the majority of the air strikes. certainly everybody should have skin in the game. we are 94 percent of the air strikes in syria and 78 percent of the air strikes in iraq. and we will always be the lion's share and targeting and the procedures and process says that you need to be effective. but we are a long way from dealing with the problem. you saw it in the armed services committee dealing with secretary carter. >> on the democratic and republican side we are running
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out of time, when are we going to solve the problem. >> that is my major concern. it is so much more we could do. >> we are out of time. and thank you for the sense of urgency. >> and we are learning new details about tashfeen malik who carried out the terrorist attack with her husband. she discussed her desire to post jihadi. her background checks never discovered these. >> reporter: there is a gaping hole in the fiance visa screening probable and other visa screenings, too. according to the reporting of
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the new york times that tashfeen malik posted several times on social media support for jihadi but a desire herself to be a part of holy war and those posts were made before the infamous photowith her arriving with say-ed farook in 2014. but in all of the background checks, it was not picked up again, because social media posts are not routinely checked as a part of the screening process. in the meantime, jenna, the fbi wrapped up the search of the san bernardino lake and looking for a computer hard drive that was missing from the home. that is an important piece of evidence. >> that is good nows of us
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eating a complete picture. we'll be back with more breaking news on "happening now". she's. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. check your sunday paper for extra savings on aleve.
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>> new information on a massive warehouse fire in columbus, ohio. the the fire is mostly contained but crews are the scene until it is out. they have 18000 gallons of water at the building. no word on what caused the fire. right now, according to a brand new national poll, donald trump is way out ahead, and get this, 27 points. mammoth university poll shows that mr. trump leads with 41 percent. and senator ted cruz way back with 14 percent. and senator cruz and surging in iowa. that is at 28 percent with the
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gop caucus goer ares. it could mean a show down with cruz and trump. and we'll have our chief political correspondent in vegas and cover the rumble tomorrow night, hi, carl. >> they are getting ready for it and a rumble it will be be. we'll hear about it in the nominating process. trump is hitting new records for himself. and the battle will be in the early voting states. nevada voted in iowa and south carolina and in particularly iowa, we saw our own numbers that it is cruz and trump on the top of the ticket. another poll valitates that. over the weekend, there was des moines register who put it up
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from iowa and years of history doing this. and cruz with a ten point lead over don dalled trump and cruz and rubio battled over national security votes and position. and cruz surging and he is center of attention and this is how trump began his assault on cruz. >> look at the way he dealt with the senate. he goes in there like a maniac. you will never get things done that way. you can't walk in the senate and call people liars and not be able to cajole and get along with people. he will never get it done. that's the problem be with ted. >> cruz took a humorous response and referenced the song maniac and not trying to get in to
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a fight with trump and trying to avoid that. and there is a tag team situation in that marco rubio is blasting away at cruz as well. and that sets the stage with a notable exception. chris christie not in the prime time has qualified and rand paul who was in danger of being dropped. cnn changed the qualifying rom. if you have three and half percent where we are today, they are allowed in. they will both be on the big stage. >> and they have a pretty good track record, jenna. >> hillary clinton is widening her lead in iowa and what she is doing to keep up the momentum. and dozens police officers
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killed as their but the went off the budge. the latest in the investigation. with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. oh, thank you, thank you. you're welcome. are you ready to go? oh, i sure am. we can provide the right care, right at home. starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the (vo) rush hounose.und here but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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>> 41 police officer, dead after a bus crash in argentina. it was part of a convoy and went off a side of the bridge and fell 65 feet. the nation's president is offering condolences. and the cause of the horrendous crash is under investigation. earlier we showed you a new fox poll, the latest on the democratic side shows hillary clinton way out in front in the hawkeye state. joining us now is the executive
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editor. there is a lot of republicans and a lot of names and in the democratic race what does it tell us about the state of the race? >> what they tell us, jenna, it will tell a catastrophic event of some kind, whether a health issue or indictment by the fbi for hillary clinton to be in jeopardy. she is trail nothing new hampshire but way ahead in south carolina. she has the money and campaign infrainstruct and you are support of the super delegates and that makes her a heavy favorite. >> what does that say about the state of iowa, and what we can glean about it? >> if you look in the fox numbers, there is a number be about the economy, whether you think the economy is doing well. those who don't think it is
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doing well is those making less than 50,000 a year and no deg e degree. they support hillary clinton. on the republican side there is anger and anxiety with regard to the economy. that is causing issues. >> and does it surprise you national security at the top of the list, that hillary clinton is not more hurt by that because of the current administration and her former roll in that. is that not made in the debates that she is a part of the policy of this administration by her critics? >> democrats like hillary clinton and think she is a strong leader and happy with her on foreign policy. republicans do look at hillary clinton on foreign policy and national security and see that as a vulnerability regardless of
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who the republican nominee is. when you get to the general election. republicans are not going to vote for and what do the independented think? 10-20 percent of the people. they think she is a strong leader, but they don't trust her on issues and it will be interesting to see how that plays out. >> we are talking about the republicans and democrats and the independents are the deciders. cathy who was on with bill hemmer earlier today. she gave her assessment on the grouped game and what that means for the race. i want to ask you about it. >> donald trump has good iowa organizers working for him. the same people who helped rick sanatorium win the iowa organizers. i don't think they will neglect
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that part of getting him to the caucus. but donald trump has a lot of people supporting him who never caucused before and that can be a issue. it is hard to explain the process and get them out. ted cruz has a strong organization. i say he's more than a blip on the screen. he does have the ability to get the people out on caucus night. >> and a quick question and answer. talking about the independents and interesting to hear that trump's people are bring nothing new people not involved in the political process. what is that assessment for the now leading candidates. >> donald trump, you can say that his support in the poll system overstated because you're talking to voters who don't caucus. they will not show up on caucus
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night. but he's brimming people in the people who never caucused and the polls may be understating his support. we'll not know that until february 1st. cruz is a great fit for the state and his report is soldid. >> thank you see much. great to have you in the program. jenna, prices are falling in the pump. but what it means to us behind the whole? and closing arguments in the trial of the police officer in the death of freddie grachlt
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gray. canned can
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>> prices at the pump are facing a serious decloin. look at the gallon of gas for over two hours. lower in some places in the country and analyst say it is a huge advantage for countries like russia and iran and venezuela. james rosen is joining us live with more, james. >> if president obama thought falling gas and oil prices would
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stop putin, the last six months in syria and theater of new russian campaign dispelled the hopes. 68 percent of the moscow exports and crimia tafrngz're sanctions are taking a toll on the russian economy. the rubble has lost value against the dollar in july. analyst say there is limits of how far we can average them. >> the result is, they are are not willing to pay the price. they are willing to pay this price after the ukraine crieses. and they are not willing to pay that involve economic warfare strategy. >> reporter: the terrorist depend on oil money to stay in
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business. the petrol intrastructure isis was clearing 500 million a year with the sales. it also hurts saudi arabia, whose government is laying out plans to slash spending and diverse foy the gross domestic project. and iraq and baghdad revenues are expected to drop 35 percent. and that is helpful to route out isis from the country. >> something to keep in mind. closing arguments in the baltimore police officer accused in the indicating of freddie gray. he is charged with manslaughter and endangerment and misconduct. gray died one week after suffering a severe spiem injury
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in police custody. the officer is special partly responsible. and not calling for a seat belt. he is the first of the police officers to stand trial. what are they doing in court? greg jarret joins us. explain what they are saying in the closing aurpts today. >> the prosecutor came out strong and said porter is a liar and called the transport vehicle a casket of death and then the prosecutor, i can't believe this, most trial lawyers would say is a mistake. even if other police officers don't use seat belts that is no excuse. miss prosecutor under the law and in the jury instructions, it is an excuse. and the defense walked right
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through that and opened the door and explained it to the jurors and that said something interesting. the defense said, the prosecution is preying on the fears of you jurors. they fear you will convict because of violence and rioting and do don't do that in the face of innocence. >> jurors are told to keep that outside of the jury room door. >> that's why the defense wanted a change of venue. they were afraid the jurors the be be afraid and fear would dictate their decision. >> you talked about the seat belt decision. gray did not buckle him in, because he said that is not police procedure. >> port p -- porter said he was in the van most of the ride and he said gray showed no sign of
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injury. he said i can can call for a medic. but gray couldn't tell why. he said he was kicking and yelling. but at the end see seemed to need help and i called for more. >> and it is the responsibility of the wagon driver to get the prisoner to point a and b and the chief of police agreed. >> he indicated when he saw gray had trouble go to the hospital first and talked about a fellow super visor and he could make the defense he did what he could possibly do. >> that's what they are doing. it is interesting. it was a policy and practice to nottous seat belts. three days before the freddie gray incident they changed but p
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sent it out to e-mail. porter said i didn't have access to a precinct e-mail and i never received the new policy. that will be very, very important. >> the jury could get the case today. >> closing arguments could finish today. four different charges and it is anybody's guess how it plays out. >> we shall be be watching. >> thank you for the insight. >> looking at your smart phones can be be impacting you in many ways. your device may be improving your life in ways and hurting you in others. it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities.
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excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me?
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>> we all have one. the smart phones. new research suggesting that smart phones might be causing bad posture. and research in the the new york times is trying to explain the
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relationship between your device and how it impacts you. apparently part of it is the size of the device and the way the body contracts to use. it the inward the posture, the more submissive. and dr. gillispie is a share care at the hospital. nice to have you on the program. >> thank you, jenna. >> cbs sunday morning did a piece using the research that the the new york times. this is a snippet of the report and gives viewers an idea what we are talking about. >> as a harvard business school protessor she conducted experiments line the one she did for us. >> student volunteers stand in a power post or hunch over for
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a minute. before putting a golf ball. early results indicate for both men and women, the first put is closer to the hole after the power pose. >> you perform when you sluch inward. >> i seem to be that way all of the time. >> is our posture key to our success? is that a working medical theory that you believe in. >> it makes sense, jenna. we should sit up taller. grandmother was right when she didn't want us to slouch. >> and as the research is showing. slouching itself will negatively impact our mod. people who did that used sadder vocabulary and focused inward by
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simply slouching. >> what is it about the slouching. you feel tired or that is translating or something physically with something that is going on in your body. >> scientist call it embodied cognition theory. as we know. how we feel affects how we carry ourselves. and how we carry ourselves can affect how we feel. >> when you smile when you are not feeling happy that can improve your mood. in studies where they ask people to sit more upright and higher self esteem and more assertive in the video clip. >> i am noticing in the studio we are sitting and standing straighter. and i thought it was interesting in the new york high. average head weighs 10 or 12
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pounds. and effective stretch on our neck increased to 60 pounds when we bow our necks. what is the side affect. >> one thing physicians are seeing. hunching over to use the devices, you see conditions in younger people than you usually see older. carpel tunnel in the hunching. >> and a simple solution for a medical problem? >> it is a solution we can try. do it now or later today if they are in a stressful situation. lift that head back and leaning it forward causes strain and causes you to hunch for. keep it in the center greatity.
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rol your shoulders back. reduces injuries and stress and affect how others see you and how you feel yourself. >> we will try it especially will in the holwill day season. it is joyful and stressful and that is our first step. and quickly, what about the smart phone. >> we have to look at it. and we are not picking it so it is right in front of our face. what do you do with that? >> i am will not tell anybody to put down the smart phone. to be more aware of it. and taking moments and breaks and what we talked about to stretch in areas and be more aware of how you are sitting and how that you are doing. >> that is great advice. >> easy trick. >> doctor, grey great to have you on the program. >> this is huge. >> this is huge.
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>> i can see it out of the corner of my eye. and i feel like you look more confident and happy now. >> there you go. >> you don't want those neck problems, right. >> christmas. and that is still more than a week away. and we'll tell you why the today is the day to bring your packages to the post office. and make sure your loved ones gets them under the tree. sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. the guru of wau polling will e
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here. why she says polling is a snapshot of today only. plus, which presidential candidates speak mostly truth and which ones are liar liar pants on fire? and what's up with mideastern men buying propane and cell phones? did it raise enough red flags, only here on "the real story" top of the hour. that's coming up in seven minutes. you've heard of black friday and small business saturday. well, how about mailing monday? we just made that up. but actually, it turns out that today is the busiest mailing day of the year. when most people head to the post office to make sure their packages get where they're going in time for christmas, 11 day as way. alicia kuuna is in denver where they get billions of packages to make sure they get there on time. hi there. >> reporter: hi, eric. mailing monday, i like that. 612 million pieces of mail will
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be sent today, just today. 15.5 billion packages, cards and letters will be sent for the entire season. so u.s. postal service has a very important tip for those who get very excited about the season, and that is please do not put gift wrap around your package when you're going to he send it. it gets crushed, torn, sometimes it falls apart. what you want to do is send it in one of these boxes here. these boxes are free so you take care of that. the postal service takes care of the rest, including the weather. >> weather happens, and we're ready for that. it's nothing new to us. we've delivered around floods and around snowstorms and through the rain, pestilence. locust t uecusts and we'll take care of that. >> the jump in online sales pushed the usps to upgraded machines, let's talk christmas
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delivery deadlines. that's what we want to hear about, right? if you hope to send by standard post, tomorrow is the cutoff. first class cards and letters, december 19th the deadline to get it there on time. priority mail packages you can send as late as the 21st and the u.s. postal service says it will get there by christmas day. and if you are feeling particularly daring, eric, and you just want to throw caution to the wind, you can send something out as late as december 23rd. you'll pay extra, but it will get there by christmas day. >> i don't know if i'll risk that, right? but basically you're saying if you want to go the cheapest way, try to get to the post office today. >> reporter: yeah. well, by tomorrow. today, tomorrow. today is the busiest day. cheapest way is tomorrow, absolutely. but here's good news for those who want to sit home and enjoy the fireplace. go to, and you can pay for your postage, print it there, and you can even arrange to have a carrier pick it up. done, easy-peasy.
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that's the way to do it. >> they come to the house like those other services which i won't mention on tv. how about that? >> right. other services do that, too, but wile just talk about usps today. >> of course we don't have this problem with rudolph and the reinde reindeer. everything that the post office doesn't deliver they'll get there on time, of course, when you wake up christmas morning. >> absolutely. >> thank you. jenna? you know you have to register your car, but how about your drone? the faa unveiling some new rules for unmanned aircraft just in time for christmas. "the fine al 30" next.
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time for the final 30 now. a new faa rule requires drone owners to register their unmanned aircraft before a deadline of february next year. it applies to all drones weighing half a pound to 55
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pounds. if you bought a christmas gift in that range, you have to tell whoever you're giving it to they need to register with the government. merry christmas. >> or maybe just have the drone deliver the present. >> there you go. >> well, thank you for having me and thank you for joining us. >> thank you. nice to have you, eric. have a great day. "the real story" starts right now. big fox news alert breaking right now, the lawyer for army sergeant bowe bergdahl says the case of the former taliban prisoner charged with desertion has been referred to the cart martial and it's going to go to trial. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. this is "the real story." bergdahl's case has been very controversial since he was swapped for the five taliban commanders in may of last year. national security correspondent general griffin is live with the breaking news. >> gretchen, the army is confirming that in fact bowe bergdahl will be charged with two issues, desertion before the


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